Friday, January 7, 2011

2011 Resolutions

I have figured out that trying to always follow one large new years resolution never works ( for me at least).

For example, "I shall lose weight this year". Besides being the most annoying resolution, this isn't always realistic. Of course during January you will probably lose weight, but come March and April? The pounds come back. So I figure that something more realistic to focus on would be a monthly resolution! How about during February you don't drink soda (and who knows, you might like how you feel after February so you can keep that going) or in March you can plan on doing that 5 mile hike up the mountain that you've always seen while driving on the freeway. One I especially like is to try and not drink alcohol for just one month. Talk about an eye opener ...

I think that setting up little resolutions are so much better. You can write them on a cute chalkboard and hang it on a wall, and being able to cross off so many little things feels so much better than having one large thing that, let's be honest, fails miserably.

I'm currently working on my own list of little things I want to accomplish this year and once it's finished I'll share it with all of you :)

That should hold me accountable .... right?


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