Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Getting over that writing hump

So my blog has a new look. Again.

I'm constantly looking for things to change, and I think that my blog is a little outlet that I am able to feed that habit of mine with. It's better than damaging my hair more than it already is, right?

So besides the fact that I majored in English and have an obsession with books and their authors, I couldn't help but fall in love with this blog template. (I discovered this new blog template site, Yummy Lolly. You have to go there and find yourself something fun too! It's pretty much amazing and has fun vintage inspired templates too) I love Sylvia Plath, and I have always loved this quote of hers. Writing is not easy. Some people have a talent for it where others do not ..... but it seems that text always sounds better in my head rather than on paper ... or on the computer screen. I have always had these inspirations to be an amazing blogger. I have a list of at least 15 blogs that I check throughout the day, and I am always amazed at how a person can be so much fun just by expressing themselves with words.

While I'm reading these blogs.... that little voice in my head is screaming out "I WANT TO DO THAT". 

I have always been more of a reader than a writer, but one of my goals this year is to change that. I think that I need to just be brave and just ... write. I've told myself that I need to not care what I write about, I need to just ramble and eventually something decent must come from it, right? I'll just keep telling myself this ...

Btw I'm sitting in the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and the employees are singing "mats mats mats mats, mats, mats, mats .... eveeerrryboooddy" while cleaning the floor mats. (Sing that to the tune of "Shots shots shots shots....." by LMFAO ... you'll get it) Ahhh, the funny little moments in life, love it!


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